Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Many people especially teenagers are affected from...

Many people especially teenagers are affected from HIV/AIDS. HIV is a worldwide epidemic, which can be given from unprotected sex to sharing needles. HIV is a virus that can kill people by gradually killing their own immune systems. Therefore, the virus can take over all around the victims body. If someone is worried if they have HIV, it is important to go through diagnosis, treatments and prevention to HIV. Knowing how dangerous an epidemic like this is very important especially for someone who is thinking of having intercourse with their partner. It can be in many people who seem as if they are not sick. HIV can be spread through unprotected sex (oral, vaginal or anal), blood transfusion infected by this virus, or even a baby born†¦show more content†¦These tests detect the antibodies for each patient to these HIV viruses inside the blood. These are two tests. Both tests have to be positive to confirm the HIV infection to be totally true. To get better results, patien ts can take the complete blood count (CBC) and/or the white blood cell differential. Both tests can show all the abnormalities inside the blood of the body. Yet, if the results fully confirm that it is positive, it is important to get treatments as soon as possible. Nowadays, there are still no treatments to cure AIDS. However, there is a therapy called ART that can reduce the amount of viruses inside the body/ attacking the immune system. ART stands for antiretroviral virus. This is also known as HAART, which stands for highly active antiretroviral virus. This treatment will prevent the viruses from producing more of it, which will help the immune system gain strength and recover from the HIV infection. Though, this can give complications to the patient or any side effects. These side effects include: weakness, headache, nausea, having general sick feeling, having a collection of fat on the back, and diarrhea. Also, patients need to have a healthy type of diet to avoid any ris ks such as getting a heart attack. This is perhaps made by the high levels of cholesterol and sugar in the blood. For those not infected with any such HIV/AIDS, it is important to have abstinence. It is important to not get anyShow MoreRelatedThesis on Hiv5798 Words   |  24 PagesTHE LEVEL OF AWARENESS AND PRACTICE IN THE PREVENTION OF HIV/AIDS AMONG MALE ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS IN SELECTED AREAS IN CAVITE An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to The Faculty of the College of Nursing University of Perpetual Help System DALTA Molino, Bacoor Cavite In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing CHARMAINE ROSE P. CABIGUNDA DIVINE GRACE M. HIFARVA ARIEL F. DELA PENA SHIELD LYN B. MALANO FRANCIS T. 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